Tuesday 17 May 2016

In The Loop. 17/05

Hello Everyone!

I hope your all well, its surprisingly been decent weather here in England (touch wood) watch they'll be a storm later on, anyways back at it again and I know it's been a long time since my last post on here but I thought i would just give you all a little insight into whats going on right now, I'm inundated with the same messages everyone asking whats with the title "creative director" in your bio all about? or what do you do?, for many out there i've been given a massive opportunity to work as a creative director as much as I would love to tell you more unfortunately its not only in my interest but also out of the respect of my employers to keep everything on the hush for this moment in time, yes the project is clothing related so this will be something i've worked very hard to reach and ever since starting life on social media it's truly a blessing to call a hobby work. 

The project will be announced soon, and I cannot wait to share everything I know to you all, the project is a reflection of me, my history of influences from past to present but keeping ties with modern trends, as you know via my instagram i'm prone to change and switch my style frequently its nice to experiment with different variations of style and really explore different ways to put together an attire for whatever the occasion. 

As the project draws closer to the announcement date there will be different social media platforms setup so you all can get different insights and really get personal with the story of the project from the start, no finish this won't be a one drop thing. My expectations from here on is to work, grind and execute perfection for you all. 

In the mean time i see a lot of you out there doing your thing, and its amazing to see this street fashion wave trend on a global scale, keep working hard, and to all you reading this I'm forever inspired to inspire you, thankyou for now I will do my best to keep you updated. 

Thanks for reading,

- John
Creative Director @ ?

Social Media:

Instagram - @blvckvmvnivc
Twitter - @jblvckmvnivc
Snapchat - jblvckmvnivc
Facebook - blvckmvnivc